Friday, July 24, 2009

Appointment Setting Killers

I've had one too many incoming sales calls recently where sales people would try and set an appointment with using a line similar to this: "....I'd like to set up an appointment with you so I can learn a little bit about you and your company to see if there is anything we do that might be of benefit to you..."

OMG! If you are using a similar opening line when you are making your prospecting calls, STOP!

There's this thing called the Internet - and on the Internet there are "websites" that will tell you about me, my company and from there, you should predetermine what it is that you MAY be able to do for me before ever calling me.

Why on earth would I set an appointment with someone I've never met, don't know just so they can drill me with probing questions in hope that they might find something that they can sell me?

A far better way is to do your pre-call planning and then create an opening statement that creates interest, and not resistance. Your appointment setting success rate would double easily. Ok. I'm done ranting now.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Do your prospects say "Not Interested" more often than you'd like?

Do your prospects say "Not Interested" more often than you'd like?

Then you may want to take a look at a great thread running over on SalesBlogCast LinkedIn Group about what to do when your prospects give you the brush off.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


No matter what business you're in, if your job involves selling or managing a sales team, you've noticed that the world has changed over the last year - and not for the better.

Previously, it was boom times. Making a sale was like shooting fish in a barrel. It didn't take a lot of time, or talent - or sales training.

Everything was seat of the pants. Consequently, there are a lot of sales people out there today (some of them may work for you) who have no selling skills and nothing to fall back on.

And in today's economic climate, no skills just isn't good enough anymore...

So how do you turn ordinary sales people into top producers?

Review a free white paper on affordable sales training alternatives to help turn your sales team around.